uncle-sam-volunteer-201x300John Heywood wrote that “many hands make for light work.” Include STC Atlanta on your list of resolutions! STC Atlanta boasts an increasingly diverse membership than ever as specializations grow within the Technical Communication discipline. Whether your role is that of a technical writer, instructional designer, graphic artist, UX designer, marketing specialist, web designer, social media expert, documentation manager or something else, help ensure that your interests and concerns are represented by volunteering with STC Atlanta. Your support is greatly needed as we continue to advance our profession.

Whether you are a seasoned pro or new to the field, there are many opportunities to contribute to the community. There are a variety of  ways to volunteer. In addition to the four elected offices (President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary), there are a host of appointed committee positions. Learn more about volunteer opportunities. You can help with a single event or on an ongoing basis. Meet new friends, network, drive the future direction of STC, and build your resume at the same time! Bring your ideas and energy to contribute to the longevity and success of STC Atlanta.

We have four open elected positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Anyone interested in running for one of these positions should submit a statement of purpose (SOP) and brief bio by January 16th. Elections take place January 19th – 30th. The new council will be introduced during our February Chapter Recognition event.

Contact Howard Speck to volunteer today and help make 2015 the best year yet!

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