Chapter Business

2024 STC Alliance Competition

STC Atlanta just finished up with this year’s competition. Past chapter president, Phoebe Forio, continued as a judging manager and Sharon Ford, current chapter president, participated as a council judge. Congratulations to all who made submission. Winners will be notified this week of ther entry’s performance.

Support STC Atlanta Chapter

The plan for this year is to provide opportunities to connect via online and in-person. We’ll need volunteers who can assist with programming and event details (logistics and communications), social media, and membership management to make this happen. If you are worried you are too busy or don’t have time to pitch in, don’t worry, happy to have you volunteer for one day, one week, or one month. Whatever you can spare. Please reach out at chapter president, Sharon Ford at for questions or to get involved!

2024 STC Scholarship Winner

STC Atlanta chapter member, Liping Yang has been awarded a $500 scholarship for the 2024-2025 school year. Liping has also been invited to volunteer at Summit in Bloomington, MN in May. Liping Yang is a PhD candidate in Rhetoric and Composition from Georgia State University. The committee unanimously agreed that her research on the ethical application and literacy of AI will be a valuable contribution to the field. She has also published three peer-reviewed articles in areas such as content management, information architecture, UX and UI design, digital portfolios, and web design.

STC Atlanta at STC Summit 2024

New for 2024! Connect at Summit Community Meetups. Attending Summit this year and want to connect with other STC Atlanta community members? The Summit planning team is supporting chapter and SIG meetups at STC Summit. Please reach out at for more details.

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