Time Requirement: 5 to 15 hrs. per month
Identifies topics and speakers for chapter programs with the help of your committee
Organizes programs for regular chapter meetings with the help of the committee
Advertises the meetings, usually through Constant Contact and the website
Reports the status of chapter programs to the administrative council
Develops a budget for chapter programs
Time Requirements: 1 to 5 hrs. per month
The Committee Volunteer assists the program manager with planning, coordinating, and publicizing the chapter events.
Time Requirement: 3 to 5 hrs. per month
Membership works with the chapter Council to recruit new members to the STC and the Atlanta chapter. A Membership manager:
Conducts a renewal campaign to encourage members to renew each year
Sends new members a welcome letter with information about the STC and the chapter
Answers membership questions as they arise
Maintains an up-to-date list of chapter members
Updates contact information of chapter members for email blasts on chapter events
Time Requirement:2 to 3 hrs. per month
The PR Manager advertises STC Atlanta Chapter events and opportunities to the corporate community, STC members at large, the Society, and potential STC members.
Time Requirement: 3 to 6 hrs. per month
The Webmaster maintains the Chapter's web presence. They coordinate with all other chapter positions to make information available to the chapter membership via the web. Also, the Webmaster:
Reports site status and activity to the chapter at regular chapter meetings
Keeps the website up to date with current information and content, which may be provided by others or self-generated
Manages website users: examines and approves user posts, and responds to user comments, observes website traffic
Ensures the website is operating correctly and coordinates software/hardware and any other back office details including hosting
Designs, creates, edits, and maintains webpages
Creates and selects photographs and graphical elements used in webpages
Manages Social Media
Time Requirement: 1 to 3 hrs. per month
The Web Committee Volunteer assists the Webmaster in developing and managing all the chapter's web assets.
Time Requirement: 5-10 hours per month
The Employment Manager provides chapter members with access to information about open positions and employment opportunities, as well as resources that may assist them professionally. In addition, the Employment Manager:
Holds employment skills workshops (typically two, Summer and Fall) that focus on job search, resume writing, portfolio preparation, interviewing, and tools
Maintains a resume review committee to provide resume review services
Manages job postings on STC-Atlanta website
Hosts a social function, as they are typically well attended by job hunters
Contacts employers of technical communicators to introduce STC and our chapter's exceptional pool of talent.
Time Requirement:2 to 3 hrs. per month
The Student Liaison encourages student participation in the STC Atlanta Chapter, especially after graduation from student chapters; provides support and guidance to student chapters in Georgia and to the Region 3 student conference; manages the scholarship process.
Time Requirement:2 to 4 hrs. per month
This manager coordinates and solicits corporate sponsorship of STC Atlanta Chapter activities and events; manages any advertising provided by the chapter; and builds the endowment for the scholarships and bookshelf programs.
Time Requirement: 2 to 5 hrs. per month
Coordinating all arrangements for facilities, food, and other meeting needs for the chapter meetings and other functions are the most important duties of this position.
Time Requirement: Approx. 5 hrs. during election months (typically Jan. and Feb.)
The nominating committee is responsible for selecting a slate of candidates, handling nominations by petition from members, and preparing the ballot in accordance with the Policies and Procedures.
Anyone is welcome to volunteer.
As a general volunteer, you are encouraged to attend the chapter Council meetings where the chapter business is discussed. These meetings are typically once a month and can be conducted in person or virtually. Contact any of the leadership if you wish to attend.